
Husqvarna TC250 - 2007 Specifications and Reviews

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General information

CategoryCross / motocross
ModelHusqvarna TC250

Engine and Transmission Specifications

ClutchWet / Multiplate
Transmission type,final driveChain
Cooling systemLiquid
Fuel controlDOHC
Fuel systemCarburettor. 37mm Keihin FCR
Valves per cylinder4
Bore x stroke76.0 x 55.0 mm (3.0 x 2.2 inches)
Engine typeSingle cylinder, four-stroke
Capacity:249.50 ccm (15.22 cubic inches)

Brakes, suspension, Frame and wheels

Rear brakes diameter240 mm (9.4 inches)
Rear brakesSingle disc
Front brakes diameter260 mm (10.2 inches)
Front brakesSingle disc
Rear suspensionOhlins
Front suspensionMarzoochi

Physical measures and capacities

Dry weight95.3 kg (210.2 pounds)

Other specs

Modifications compared to previous modelTC 250´s suspensions have been modified: new calibrations for the Marzocchi and Ohlins shock absorber to help smoothness and rideability of the bike. For the brake part, the rear brake mounts a new pump with tank integrated. The gear has been empowered and the clutch features a new Ergal basket.

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