
Kawasaki GPZ 500 S - 1994 Specifications and Reviews

4.5 stars Average rating: 4.5 from 2 votes

General information

CategoryUnspecified category
ModelKawasaki GPZ 500 S

Engine and Transmission Specifications

Valves per cylinder4
Engine typeIn-line four
Capacity:498.00 ccm (30.39 cubic inches)

Physical measures and capacities

Seat height775 mm (30.5 inches) If adjustable, lowest setting.
Dry weight179.0 kg (394.6 pounds)

Kawasaki GPZ 500 S dimensions and frame

Rear brakesSingle disc
Front brakesDual disc

Speed and acceleration

Power/weight ratio0.3352 HP/kg

Other specs

Reserve fuel capacity2.00 litres (0.53 gallons)
Fuel capacity18.00 litres (4.76 gallons)

Rider Reviews

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