
Triumph Daytona 1000 - 1993 Specifications and Reviews

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General information

CategorySport touring
ModelTriumph Daytona 1000

Engine and Transmission Specifications

ClutchWet Plate
Transmission typefinal driveChain
Cooling systemLiquid
Lubrication system40 psi (2.76bar) (5000RPM @ 80 degrees C) Wet Sump
Ignitiontwin coil ´wasted spark´ from ecu
Fuel controlDOHC
Valves per cylinder4
Fuel systemCarburettor. 4 x Mikuni BST 36mm Carbs
Bore x stroke76.0 x 55.0 mm (3.0 x 2.2 inches)
Engine typeIn-line four
Capacity:998.00 ccm (60.90 cubic inches)

Physical measures and capacities

Weight incl. oil, gas, etc256.0 kg (564.4 pounds)

Triumph Daytona 1000 dimensions and frame

Exhaust system4 into 2 (one each side)
Rear brakesSingle disc. 2 piston sliding caliper (fixed disc)
Front brakesDouble disc. 4 piston calipers x 2
Frame typeMicro Alloyed H.T. Steel,

Speed and acceleration

Top speed241.4 km/h (150.0 mph)

Other specs

Fuel capacity25.00 litres (6.61 gallons)

Rider Reviews

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